Spring Security Authentication
Security is one of the most vital concerns for any organization. In this article, you will learn about authentication and how to integrate them easily with the Spring MVC application.Authentication
One of the fundamental ways to secure a resource is to make sure that the caller is who they claim to be. This process of checking credentials and making sure that they are genuine is called authentication.This article will delve into the technical capabilities of Spring Security, specifically authentication. To find the complete code for this article, go to https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-On-Spring-Security-5-for-Reactive-Applications/tree/master/Chapter02.
The following diagram shows the fundamental process Spring Security uses to address this core security requirement. The figure is generic and can be used to explain all the various authentication methods that the framework supports:
Authentication architecture
Spring Security has a series of servlet filters (a filter chain). When a request reaches the server, it is intercepted by this series of filters (Step 1 in the preceding diagram).In the reactive world (with the new Spring WebFlux web application framework), filters are written quite differently fromtraditional filters (such as those used in the Spring MVC web application framework). Having said that, the fundamental mechanism remains the same for both.
The Servlet filter code execution in the filter chain keeps skipping until the right filter is reached. Once it reaches the right authentication filter based on the authentication mechanism used, it extracts the supplied credentials (most commonly a username and password) from the caller.
Using the supplied values (here, you have a username and password), the filter(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter) creates an Authentication object (in the preceding diagram, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken is created withthe username and password supplied in Step 2). The Authentication object created in Step 2 is then used to call the authenticate method in the AuthenticationManager interface:
public interface AuthenticationManager {
Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
The actual implementation is provided by ProviderManager, which has a list of configured AuthenticationProvider.public interface AuthenticationProvider {
Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication)
boolean supports(Class authentication);
The request passes through various providers and, in due course, tries to authenticate the request. There are a number of AuthenticationProvider interfaces as part of Spring Security.In the diagram above, AuthenticationProvider requires user details (some providers require this, but some don't), which are provided in UserDetailsService:
public interface UserDetailsService {
UserDetailsloadUserByUsername(String username) throws UsernameNotFoundException;
UserDetailsService retrieves UserDetails (and implements the User interface) using the supplied username.If all goes well, Spring Security creates a fully populated Authentication object (authenticate: true, granted authority list, and username), which will contain various necessary details. The Authentication object is stored in the SecurityContext object by the filter for future use.
The authenticate method in AuthenticationManager can return the following:
An Authentication object with authenticated=true, if Spring Security can validate the supplied usercredentials
An AuthenticationException, if Spring Security finds that the supplied user credentials are invalid
null, if Spring Security cannot decide whether it is true or false (confused state)
Setting up AuthenticationManager
There are a number of built-in AuthenticationManager in Spring Security that can be easily used in your application. Spring Security also has a number of helper classes, using which you can set up AuthenticationManager. One helper class is AuthenticationManagerBuilder.Using this class, it’s quite easy to set up UserDetailsService against a database, in memory, in LDAP, and so on. If the need arises, you could also have your own custom UserDetailsService (maybe a custom single sign-on solution is already there in your organization).
You can make an AuthenticationManager global, so it will be accessible by your entire application. It will be available for method security and other WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter instances.
WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter is a class that is extended by your Spring configuration file, making it quite easy to bring Spring Security into your Spring application. This is how you set up a global AuthenticationManager using the @Autowired annotation:
public class SpringSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void confGlobalAuthManager(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception {
You can also create local AuthenticationManager, which is only available for this particular WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, by overriding the configure method, as shown in the following code:@Configuration
public class SpringSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception {
Another option is to expose the AuthenticationManager bean by overriding the authenticationManagerBean method:@Override
publicAuthenticationManagerauthenticationManagerBean() throws Exception {
You can also expose various AuthenticationManager, AuthenticationProvider, or UserDetailsService as beans, which will override the default ones.The preceding code example has used AuthenticationManagerBuilder to configure in-memory authentication.
AuthenticationProvider provides a mechanism for getting the user details with which authentication can be performed. Spring Security provides a number of AuthenticationProvider implementations, as shown in the following diagram:
Spring Security built-in AuthenticationProvider
Custom AuthenticationProvider
You can also write a custom AuthenticationProvider by implementing the AuthenticationProvider interface. You have to implement two methods, namely authenticate (Authentication) and supports(ClassaClass):@Component
public class CustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException
String username = authentication.getName();
String password = authentication.getCredentials().toString();
if ("user".equals(username) && "password".equals(password)) {
return new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, password, Collections.emptyList());
} else {
throw new BadCredentialsException("Authentication failed");
publicboolean supports(ClassaClass) {
returna Class.equals(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class);
Your authenticate method is quite simple. Compare the username and password with a static value. You can write any logic here and authenticate the user. If there is an error, it throws an exception, AuthenticationException.
On the GitHub page, navigate to the jetty-in-memory-basic-custom-authentication project to see the full source code of this class.
Multiple AuthenticationProvider
Spring Security allows you to declare multiple AuthenticationProvider in your application. They are executedaccording to the order in which they are declared in the configuration.The jetty-in-memory-basic-custom-authentication project is modified further, and you have used the newly created CustomAuthenticationProvider as an AuthenticationProvider (Order 1) and the existing inMemoryAuthentication as your second AuthenticationProvider (Order 2):
@ComponentScan(basePackageClasses = CustomAuthenticationProvider.class)
public class SpringSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
CustomAuthenticationProvider customAuthenticationProvider;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authenticated(); // Use Basic authentication
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilderauth) throws Exception {
// Custom authentication provider - Order 1
// Built-in authentication provider - Order 2
//{noop} makes sure that the password encoder doesn't do anything
.roles("ADMIN") // Role of the user
Whenever the authenticate method executes without error, the controls return, and, thereafter, the configured AuthenticationProvider doesn't get executed.If you found this article interesting, you can explore Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications to secure your Java applications by integrating the Spring Security framework in your code. Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications
will guide you in integrating add-ons that will add value to any Spring Security module.
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